My name is Doug Berglund and I invented the Drummer's Wing Nut Wrench over 30 years ago.
I’ve been playing drums my entire life. Pots & pans at 3 years old, wooden snare by 10. I played in multiple HS and garage bands during my teens. It was all I did in my twenties; much of what I did in my thirties; and a lot of what I still do today. Although, nowadays I play mostly for the fun of it. But for the last 30 years, my main job was teaching HS & college economics. To be sure, it was never my dream to become an economics teacher - and yes, I love teaching. But distance teaching was not my cup of tea, so after all those years, in 2020, I decided to retire – FROM TEACHING! Now I spend my time focused on Crabby Tools, and of course, drumming. Yeah, still. I’m always listening to new drummers, watching YouTube videos (where were you when I needed you?), learning, practicing and playing. I’ve met some pretty cool drummers along the way, and I love being able to talk with these awesome players about their drumming. And sometimes I’ll just sit and think about drumming (Thankfully, I’ve finally learned to NOT drive the family nuts at the dinner table by banging out Ginger Baker licks in between bites).
It was also never my dream to sell wing nut wrenches. I always knew that I wanted to create something new, something positive, and leave it to the world. And, I’ve always hoped my contribution would be musical, like a cool drum beat or one of my songs ( But as fate would have it, THIS WRENCH has become my contribution to the world (so far), and to drummers everywhere. True, inventing and selling an amazing wrench is a twist of fate I never would have predicted 30 years ago. But here we are. It's a great wrench, and I believe in it 100%. I use it all the time. Try it, you will, too!
Even if you’re not a drummer, this wrench has multiple non-percussion uses (I DO list a bunch - 101 Uses). But its MAIN use, the REASON I invented it, is for helping out all those hard-working drummers of the world. This wrench will help cut down on unnecessary wear & tear on the wrists and WILL undoubtedly cut down on both set-up and tear-down times.
And timing ... is everything!
Enjoy the wrench.
Play with confidence.
Doug Berglund
1960's - Performing at the ND Capitol
in Bismarck, ND.
1970's - Upper Midwest college and club circuit.
1980’s – State fairs, auditoriums, and being the “Opening act.” Shootin' for the stars.
1990’s – Back to street dances and gin joints. Just having fun!
2000’s – Clownin’ with my garage band, “Surrender Dorothy!”
2010's – Poundin’ for a cause!
2012 - Induction into the ND Rock & Country Hall of Fame with
"The Newz!"
2015 - Still wakin' up the neighbors!
2020 - And the beat goes on...
Crabby Tools & Accessories LLC
Giglz the Crabby Monkey is a Registered Trademark of Crabby Tools & Accessories LLC